
A tribute to John Clarke of Gilston

On 24th February 2017 John Clarke passed away. He was 76. It is fair to say that John was an inspiration to all who are interested in local history.  Apart from that he was a true local and a true community man. Speaking personally his encouragement and help has been invaluable. John taught us how local history can help the community and how it can encourage your own sense of community.

Gilston church was standing room only for John’s funeral and afterwards there were many who came to High Wych Memorial Hall to pay homage to him. Our thoughts are with Yolande, his widow. How lucky she was having lived with such a generous, warmhearted and kind man. Those who knew John were enriched by him.

Meanwhile, there is no better way to honour John Clarke’s memory than to reread the histories he wrote of both Gilston and Eastwick. To read them once again visit the pertinent pages by clicking on the following links:     John Clarke’s History of Gilston      and:      John Clarke’s History of Eastwick


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