Explore Sawbridgeworth

A circular walk of the town is described here, for your enjoyment and interest, lasting about 1 hour. The map in PDF format can be downloaded here.

It is also possible to do this as a virtual walk. In other words you can do this from the comfort of your armchair or desk. Clicking on a numbered place gives you some explanation. In future there might even be more text and or pictures.

The top-left icon reveals your way-points. The rightmost box opens this map full-screen, or in your app.

Click on the waypoints for info.
Click & drag to move, zoom with your mouse wheel / pinch & spread on devices.

People living in a very different way from ourselves have left behind stone tools indicating their presence in this area. No shelters remain from this early period but the Romans who later were hereabouts did leave pottery, glass and iron tools. All of these have been recovered through local excavations, in some cases indicating the site of their villas. In common with many towns and villages a gap in the sequence of building follows until the Church structure and the much admired timber-framing of the 16C continue the story, in almost unbroken sequence up to the present.

Sawbridgeworth has its entry in the Domesday Book where it is known as ‘Sabrixteworde’ and this infers a Saxon foundation.

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